Category: Miscellaneous

Blog posts relating to non-standard topics (i.e. not gaming or photography related).

AI & Art

As a Software Engineer and (very amateur and very part-time) 3D/Digital Artist, I was naturally intrigued by some of the AI tools that are becoming available to artists. Then came all the backlash against AI art. At first, I wasn’t sure what all the fuss was about, so I decided to look into it (while trying to keep an open mind).

Will it lead to the death of the artist? Is AI Art actually… Art?
Here are my thoughts.… Read more

Welcome to My Blog

Hello and welcome to my blog. Here you will find musings on various topics from video games to mental health to fatherhood.

These thoughts are my own and I should probably warn you that not all content is totally safe for work!… Read more

A Sense of Perspective

Now seems like as good a time as any to discuss a key realisation that has helped me to make sense of the world. I’ve noticed that people don’t always seem to distinguish between ‘The General’ and ‘The Specific’.  So what? Well, it can be an important distinction. Let me try to explain.… Read more

Working from Home: Tips

A lot of you will have started working from home as the coronavirus pandemic continues and many of you won’t have had to do this before and may not be used to it. It takes some time to adapt and to find a balance of happiness and productivity, but it can be done.

As someone who’s done a PhD and works from home a lot, I thought I would share some tips. A lot of this is ‘common’ sense, but … Read more

How to be Champion

One of the things that I wanted to talk about on this blog is mental health. Specifically, I want to share my own experiences and some of the things that helped me with my recovery and continue to help me to be in my day-to-day life. In this post, I want to talk about one handy piece of advice from British comedian Sarah Millican…

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A New Direction…

I haven’t posted on here for a while now. I used to write a lot about gaming, as that was my main hobby and chosen profession, but now I have a new job (and have left the games industry), which means I can’t keep up with the latest titles and write full reviews (not that I was ever much good at doing that anyway!).

I considered abandoning the blog, but I have instead decided to take things in a new … Read more

The EU Referendum

Normally I try not to get involved in this sort of thing, but what I am about to say is really important to me…

It may surprise you to know that I don’t particularly mind which way people vote in the Referendum. Despite all of the rhetoric, fear-mongering, lies and hatred flying around at the moment, there are some pretty reasonable arguments on both sides (they just aren’t getting any media attention!).

Personally, I’ve decided to Vote Remain because … Read more