Category: A Muggle’s Guide to Dementor Defence

Losing Faith – A Muggle’s Guide to Dementor Defence

The Muggle’s Guide to Dementor Defence is based on my experience with mental health issues. Posts like this are more personal than, for example, my recent post about sleep and insomnia, but I hope to include some helpful advice as well as telling my story.

I struggled with many things when I was suffering from depression and anxiety, including issues surrounding my career, my relationships, my social life… It’s too much to talk about all at once, so I … Read more

Sleep – A Muggle’s Guide to Dementor Defence

So, this is the first entry in what I’m calling “A Muggle’s Guide to Dementor Defence”, which is based on my personal battle with mental health problems, my notes from therapy and my own research/experience of trying to live a happier life (for more background on The Guide, click here).

One of the aims for this series is to present some practical advice on a range of mental-health-related subjects and today, I wanted to look at what was, for … Read more

Introduction – A Muggle’s Guide to Dementor Defence

For a fair chunk of the last decade, I have been battling with a range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety and insomnia. I suffered on and off for almost seven years before finally getting the help I needed to turn my life around. While I was in therapy, I made a lot of notes and now I’m trying to turn those notes into something useful. “A Muggle’s Guide to Dementor Defence” will be a series of blog posts … Read more